Edel Garstad

Board Member

My family and I moved to Keene from New Jersey in the late summer of 2022, following a job offer that came at the perfect time, and it didn’t take us long to start falling in love with the town. From rainbow flags on nearly every street, to the bustling downtown and plethora of local activities and events for the whole family, we started getting more and more connected with the people and the community in our new town. As a same sex and interracial couple with two young children, it was really important to us to seek out a community where our family and ourselves would be represented, which brought me to get involved with Keene Pride. I want my children to grow up in a community where all are welcome, and where people, families and love can exist in countless beautiful and authentic ways; and I wanted to be part of establishing and expanding that community in the town we’re now investing our futures into.

As a white mom of biracial children, it’s especially important to me to be actively engaged in promoting the work of anti-racism, and to encourage and educate ourselves and our community on dismantling systems and practices that historically disenfranchise certain communities. It’s imperative that we recognize the multitude of intersections within our own community, and ensure that not only will everyone within our community as well as our allies feel welcome at our events, but that they will feel safe. I’m excited to be doing this work along with Keene Pride, on a platform where we’re collectively committed to bettering ourselves and providing a safer, more inclusive and welcoming community for all in our beautiful corner of the world.